Friday, September 18, 2009

The history of mankind..

So there was a certain man and he spoke of a certain truth with a certain force,
and desperate as we were, we hailed him as god
He spoke with a certain conviction,
"Certainly he must be true"
He spoke with a certain passion,
"Certainly he must be true"
And thus he spoke, of truth and lies,
right and wrong, conscience and sin,
heaven and hell..
and desperate as we were,
we hailed him as god,
we believed it all

And this, punctuated by rare moments of rare brilliance, has pretty much been the history of mankind...


  1. Aaiiyeeee, finally the literary secretary is unleashing the literary genius inside him!

    Go you! I loved it. Brevity is the soul of wit, my boy! You nailed it ;) Especially the last line..

    So much was said in such few lines! : applause :
